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Write to the Secretary of State before 31st October

The NGT Trolleybus scheme is a major infrastructure scheme with implications for the whole of Leeds. A Public Inquiry in 2014 could result in the proposals being confirmed, abandoned or radically revised but you have to make your views known now!

Local Residents' Associations have serious misgivings about the proposals. They are concerned that the scheme will despoil a very attractive part of the city and that, following years of disruption and unnecessary expense (£250m, of which about £77m comes from Leeds), we would end up with a public transport service that is no cheaper and no better - in some respects worse - than we have now.

It is important that individual residents and businesses make their own views known to the Secretary of State : if there are very few written objections it may be concluded that there is no real opposition to the scheme. Filling in a questionnaire is helpful but is not enough! Please write and encourage others (including others in your own household) to do so.

Send your comments to:
Secretary of State for Transport,
c/o Transport and Works Act Orders Unit,
General Counsel's Office,
Department for Transport,
Zone 1/18,
Great Minster House,
33 Horseferry Road,
London SW1P 4DR

or e-mail to

The buttons in the menu on the left are links to our detailed analysis of the effects of the proposals. The information behind these buttons and the following summary notes may help you formulate your response but comments must be in your own words and from your own perspective - it must not be a "cut-and-paste" exercise. Think about the implications of NGT for your life and for the area you live in and for you as a council tax payer.

Heritage and Environment

Public Transport Services

Traffic Impacts

The Design Process and Value for money

We will be holding Information sessions on:

Every effort has been made to try to ensure that information provided on this website is correct. If it is felt that any detail is incorrect, please contact us at