West Park Fields

Friends of West Park Fields (FWPF)

Since the dedication of the fields as part of the Queen Elizabeth II Fields-in-Trust scheme, FWPF has been re-established as a subgroup of WPRA to help look after and manage this valuable local facility - see Fields in Trust map.

The Friends group main initiative in its first year (2016) has been the creation of a Community Orchard at the entrance to the fields from the end of Kepstorn Road (see gallery 11 for photos of the planting).

Some 28 fruit and nut trees were planted, including apples, pears, plums and hazels. All bar 3 have taken well. A new all purpose litter bin has been provided together with a mobility access path to the existing seat (see gallery 11 for more recent photos).

Some spring bulbs were planted near the entrance to St. Chad's School with the help of some of the pupils while others were planted along the fence line on Spen Lane in 2015. We followed up in 2016 with further bulbs along the Spen Lane frontage and hope to plant more bulbs in the coming autumn.

An 'annual wildflower meadow' was also successfully planted near to the Spen Lane frontage by the Parks department in both 2016 and this year(see gallery 12).

The Friends group also organise and annual litter pick in the early spring, particularly to clear plastic rubbish blown or thrown into the hedgerows.

We now have a formal community partnership agreement with Parks and Countryside concerning the future management of the whole of the fields site right up to the boundary of the Leeds Beckett University campus.

If you would like to get involved or just keep abreast of future initiatives involving the fields please register your interest with the group. This can be done via the link friends of west park fields.

Every effort has been made to try to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct. If it is felt that any detail is incorrect, please contact us at chair@westparkresidents.org.uk


09/07/2024June 24 committee meeting minutes.pdf
04/03/2024Newsletter AGM invitation March 2024 .pdf
08/02/2024PACT report Jan 2024.pdf
06/09/2022august 2022 committee meeting notes.pdf
06/09/2022AGM 2022 Invitation.pdf
18/01/2022Congestion in West Park on Sunday 23.pdf
11/03/2021More on Plans for a New Airport Terminal.pdf
25/06/2020LCC coronavirus news and Airport expansion plans.pdf
18/05/2020Airport expansion plans submitted.pdf
15/03/2020AGM postponed.pdf